Saturday, January 21, 2012


No way to touch
That which has yet to exist
No way to know
If the roads even lead there
Indefinite seconds
Separate you from maybe
Too many variables
For imagination to be real
Between that moment
Your eyes meet the keeper
And the first tick
Of yet another ageless infinity
A lifetime resides
In slow moving, obscure bubbles
The first realization
Into an ever indefinite answer
Is no doubt troubling
Too many obstacles before you
Probably, it were better
That you render peace upon now
Than to hedge bets
On some other uncertainty
Real resides only
In what you can presently touch
By which time
Tangibility has long passed by
And you move on
To yet another unending race
Once more sure
That you will find that something
That in a sense
Never came around at all
Even if it were true
They had called it something else

Friday, January 20, 2012

Faceplant (Pillows)

Rests Firmly
On the Bed
Her voice the same
No matter how oft he
Wakes, She waits for his return
His sleep hampered by her distant grasp
He wakes up fighting mad, Perhaps more lost
The dreams they trouble him, Yet he yearns them
Knowing underneath his pillow's the only place she'll ever be

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Staring Through the Morning Coffee

Just on the cusp of some new thought
A small brink of imagination opened wide
The other side isn't as far as it may seem
There are truths that beg to be disturbed
Flowing past the glades of idle beanery
Goes a mind searching for the day's wind
Sails set out by the rich roar of roasts
A few sips strike a paradise almost reached
The day is young in the land of dreamers
In just a few more seconds, the sun will rise
With it, the hopes of more solid thoughts
Past the eddies created by such dark bliss
Capturing its unbridled developments now
The world sways and blurs, on its spin
Yet remains in reach of a captivated hand
The resonance remains clearly in focus
Today's worries are still ghosts on the plain
Stepping out from behind golden allure
Sprinting forth to meet the rushing race

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Knowing not where to
Not the same as being
I thought you were waiting for
But grew tired of my blackening
We all grow older, And still our clock
Youth, a plane from which we are forever
But the lines of our age, they speak our
The truths of our pasts may linger
The lies, they die in the sand
Is a good time to look
Where we can safely

Monday, January 9, 2012

Nineteen remains the same

Threaded whispers
Of memories long forgotten
Who he was then
Remains an elusive capture
Though older now
His memory would seem ageless
October winds
They remember the sordid song
Lust betrayed youth
Something he never forgave time
Clocks became still
Even as they rolled past seasons
Searching the land
Staring into the face of doubt
Foolishness gained
Ten plus years touched the  mortal skin

Yesterday's End
Lights tomorrow's beginning, though
The candle that
Burned the flame, also burned through time
Ashes settled
Around him in his haste to run
His crumbling world
Shifted into darkness and aged
Without her light
Time bent his morals into shapes
He no longer
Recognized, and though he spoke out
Only silence
Without sound filled the days of gray
Ten years spun by
Summer was gone, with it nineteen

Repressed wonders
Spirit him back to that place now
And though time bends
Memories are seldom destroyed
By human hands
He remembers the place in time
And each song rakes
Yesterday's coals on the tired fire
One he sits by
Huddled over to hide the tears
Of closure or
Something else brought to light by flame
No sounds echo
Or at least they go unheard here
Forests are grand
And nineteen, it remains the same