Sliding out from under your covers
Slipping your cold, anxious feet the floor
Dreams of your yesteryear wane and subside
Something felt, long forgotten before
And then you know; the hour, It ticks
It runs faster now than back then
Painfully you are aware of a new race
Mixed with old emotions are new fears
What if, Why now, and How do you get there
No matter these answers; the hour, It ticks
All day spent in the whims of another fancy
Wondering if you've gone mad, just yet
Mutuality is hard to discern across a globe
Surely not here, In this place of so recent warmth
But the clock reminds you; the hour, It ticks
What chess piece saunters the new square
Removing its opponents by mere girth
Air trapped in lungs, like six years or more
Release is a word with which you can't relate
Waiting is no luxury you have; The hour, It ticks
Fallen sand castles are seldom restored
But you're reminded of an easterly wind
Blowing the sand all about your tired feet
And underneath the buff, stands victory
But the glass empties fast; For the hour, It ticks