Monday, January 27, 2014

Things They Ask the Lord

Trust not a fool with his heart
You’ve given him to love
He not even ties his shoes
Tripping over them in place
But if you take away at once
His pathways into the pour
What does he stand to gather
Truer hearts are forged hot
From midsts of ships that sink
Glory is not wishes granted and,
Glue is prettier than painted glass
One man sees only tears felled
And not the joy bridled face
Awakening into the Sun of morn
Time whispers of dreamers’ lives
Though no record exists of the end
Alas, he’s not just a regular Jack
Chasing away after a tiara’d Jill
He only measures his today
 Tomorrow is very fluid, still

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Look at the Time

Some days I sit still waiting in my chair,
For the glue to come apart, unraveled
That which holds me together on days,
When I have forgotten about the fight
The good one that I was sure i trudged,
Only to think back and wonder were it so
Seemingly, every corner is darkened,
As if the light were hiding upon the fringe
And I thought it a good place to rest,
If just for a little while until the glue dries
Then I can go out again and remember,
What it was I had been doing before
When I found myself in such a state again,
I'll use a box of thumbtacks, assorted colors
To pin back my worries for when I'm older,
Better equipped to deal with misunderstandings
Or wave a white flag at life's bitter truths,
Whichever helps on a particular day
Acceptance of what I have not found to change,
Not clutching ideals in a balmy, shaking fist
Just breathing, Letting in and letting go,
Minutes converted to hours, days down the road
Livers keep on living despite slipping ships,
Sailed a sea by dreamers looking for a coast
Home is not your pile of useless bits of junk,
Its where your heart sleeps naked, unafraid of cold

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Apprehension of... Oh So Many Things

They have no proof that
Closed doors open
But a heart on fire
Rages like a hungry lion
Fierce and Fearless
Defenseless to itself
Each minute leaves them
Clawing at a sack
Wet paper, stronger
Than a Northeasterly wind
Do wish it were known
How they came to be this way
Reasons pretended upon
Test answers changed 
Comic, epic blunders 
 The worse that are made
Were there a magic door
And they walked away
Still would they wish upon
A path into the rain
Every good thunderstorm
Contains a hidden dance
Conversations and Chess
An imperfect, beautiful bliss
Of no concern are they
How they sound aloud
Heartbeats and how they feel
Overshadows rationale
Were it a thought
A  dream
Even a passing wind
Notions and Promises, Things
They thought they said
Time is
The silent pillager
Of moments left undone
They make today their only
Because tomorrow
Will come too late
Speaking out
What they mean to say
Evening is already become
 Such a faded haze
They are unapologetic
Without regard for change
 They take the road untraveled
Running because they can
Before sunrise catches them
They will have a chance to land

Sunday, January 5, 2014

If Handguns Were Hand Grenades

If I could make anything,
I would make it late September
Autumnal colors bold and thick
If I could play any song,
I'd play one to remember
Some melody that would stick

If I understood anything,
I would understand the fall
Not go flailing against the wind
If I understood any words,
I would understand them all
Note which way the road would bend

If I were to say anything,
I would speak words not yet spoken
No thing cunning or brilliant, only beautiful
If I were to follow any road
I would follow the one that opens
At where words stop, and laughter is full

If I were to love anything,
I would love where i felt most full
A comfortable space for my heart's refresh
If I were to love anyone,
I would love without following rules
The woman who best understands my beautiful mess

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Circled Truths, Past Presents, Clarity and Remission

I did not rent this car                                          [declaration]
I was not going out of state                                     [expectation]
Never did I wander too far                                  [intention]
Must be someone else's fate                                     [perception]

"There must be some mistake"
"Only there isn't, sir"
"I did not order this"
"It comes with it dear"

Don't want wish know think                                     [fallible]
Trust in no pleasurable whim                                      [safe]
Become paper, why ever not                                     [practical]
Blank is your only escape                                           [singular]

"I'm sorry that I ruined forever"
"Eternity isn't at harm now"
"But I destroyed time "
"You are a dot, a blip, a path"

Echoes are a terrible invention                                  [hypothesis]
Sound trapped on a static reel                                      [explanation]
Riff, Chorus, Riff, Repeat                                        [output]
Memorex makes memories fake                                   [observation]

"So there was hope once?"
"There was..."
"Where did the road go?"
"Back into the sand..."

Nightmares printed on lids                                           [fearful]  
Fragmented files of read-only memory                             [trapped]
If letting go was like breathing                                     [futile]
Madness becomes fossil fuel                                           [notwithstanding]

"Its not that i want it this way"                                 
"Then quit holding on to closed roads"
"Its not that easy you see"
"I don't understand your meaning"
"My heart made promises it means to keep"

A man finds faith upon his falling down                          [grace]
But Spirituality is war to a hopeless dreamer                       [obstacle]
Surrender and asking back, Cake of consumption            [desire]
Like weary children,  confused by promises                       [reality]

"Would you die for your dreams?"
"I don't know what you'd like me to say"
"I'm asking you about the truth"
"I believe in all roads, even of a time forgot"

The lost wait in abandoned stations                                 [hopeful]
Old souls in what they hope to find                                     [relentless]
Sinners pray no less than anyone                                    [pragmatic]       
Dreamers are of another kind                                              [endless]

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Prelude to Clarity

Those who live nice lives
Often own iced knives
In their back for their comforts
Mortal glory, False trumpets
Bring me into dirt instead
Squelch all my trials dead
Open me a book of life
Write down upon it my strife
But not for me do I keep
Only death did I once speak
So now place me behind the Cross
To which inside, put my loss
A Trader upon many shores
I became liar, thief, and worse
My parts, became like death and rust
Wounded settler of sex and lust
Give me now, unto my King
To fix away my oft broken wings
Take this world of lies away
A Shepherd risen, Demons slayed
How fast dreams do change, true
I thought always I would chase you
A dreamer doesn't not age forever
Only his dreams are washed new in rivers
And the trumpet sounded at day's end
 Eternal call, where the world begins