Wednesday, August 5, 2015


A million miles
Or just a few lingered breaths
I have not decided which
And this breath of life
It passes much too fast
To count them all anyway
But let me start or say,
What I've come to speak
While it's not everything
That I claim to know
Getting married next week
My dad couldn't make it
His time passed from us
And so he simply did not know
But my business has thrived
Under God's watchful eye
So I've learned to be thankful
For that which I can hold
Because after all,
You can only hold anything
For just a little while,
Before it withers
Except for Almighty God,
He who neither wilts
Nor fades like colors do
Solid unending Grace,
Majesty, Mystery, Truth and Way
Of just a few, should you wonder
Why I worship at His feet
Aye, He's my light
When all I knew was dark
But maybe this is too short
For all that, Or too long?
Some things
They just happened
Now don't they to us all?
And It was I who made the mess,
The creator of falling down
I used to flail in silence,
Until I learned not to injure myself
Its late now, 11 or so
Another long evening
Sun kissed and coffee trippin'
I should go to sleep now
Another if it comes, awaits
But not before
What I've come to say
That is if I remember it
Or can speak it clearly enough
...Thank you
Because you're reading this
If I've met you
Upon some chance or broken road
Maybe we've talked before
Even if we only spoke hello
Perhaps if  I've borrowed
Some thing that you call yours
You've laughed
At a joke of mine you failed to get
Whether you're from school days
Or the work ones,
Some job I'd most likely
Like to forget
But there you are,
Both of us still working
This is a memory that never fades
That guy Jimmy from Mc Donald's
Is but one of many
Family, friends, all of you
Even if you've hurt me,
Or mayhap we hurt each other
God speed, We're forgiven
Truly now,
For the hour grows ever late
I want to thank you
Each of you,
For this life that I call my own
Because how little do we think
It matters even less, but a great deal more
That even a brief breath
Spent in the company of another
Alters both paths
Perhaps if by measurements
Picked up by scientific things
Gadgets I'll call them
It matters not
But certainly I do hope
That, I,  even for a second,
Have made you smile
Given you something to think about
And you fixed my gait
Ex girlfriends, my Ex-Wife
Deserted coworkers, Lost friends
I have not forgotten you
Time moves on though, for all of us.
Somewhere, Someplace,
We still remember each other
Just never enough minutes to go back
There is not a master key
To life's one way door
No one can go back
To all the whens at which they've been
The great mystery, Chronos
And so we become selective
Adapting to our world
All of the keyholes
We learn to dive in
From one ending dream to the next
But here we are
We take what we understand
Might be ours
And we praise from Whom we get it
At least I hope you will
If you haven't already, then a start
So much angst I see
In the lives of mortal men
All looking for answers,
But yet people mock the Gospel unread
Swore it were a fairy tale
Made up by the lost ones before them
And I cannot say
I'm a shining or flawless example
That I would never dream
But scarred and broken,
Wearing shoes
That have long since lost their soles
Even when I was immortal though,
I had believed there was a God
Only I could not at first
Say clearly who I say He is Today
The Great I am
But me, I'm just me
Born Brandon Earl
Equipped with a past
Much like many of yours
Left handed, smart or neurotic
One of those, more or none
And I love peanut butter
Holding hands, and slow kisses
I like the stars at night
Because I wonder
Where they truly are
Or how long they've been gone
Maybe its just heaven's little lights
But Thank you...
For your place in time
All of you
And if you're reading this...
Stop and think about your own path
A small favor for me to ask
Where are you going today?
Will it matter as much in the morning?
And If not...
Then leave all of everything
On the field when you depart today
Because ballparks
They're closed on Somedays
And thank your Maker
Minute by Minute
Hour by Hour
Love everyone, especially the person
Who shares your bed
Or at least
Who will when they come along
Love your neighbor enough
To let him borrow your stuff
If he doesn't bring it back
Ask God for a new one
But forgive the neighbor still
If you ever wanted to know
What it was I've been thinking
Then I've just told you it all
But I must confess
This just might be another stanza
Of a never ending scroll
I like coffee conversations though
So lets catch up if we've been out a while
Did I mention I'm getting married
To my heart and best friend
And I'm sorry now
If I've showed any interest in you
In the past,
One you did not reciprocate
Or the shoe on the other foot
Never was it meant to be
And after all
Everything had its place, people too
Long before we came along
To this place
Every breath, Every hair on your head
And if you can believe just one thing
Old Dan taught me to say
Just believe that I believe
all of what I say I believe
And the rest will come
When its able
Or the the timings right,
If ever it were
Goodnight to you though,
Or good morning
Or good bye
I hope not the latter,
But if it must be so,
Then I love you, all of you
Because Corinthians taught me so

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hope in a Bucket

A man whose heart is outlined in lead
Cannot catch the drippings from the sky
His voice begins to rust, if it ever did speak
And one thousand songs he has sung
Did they ever give hope; Find a higher meaning
Listen, as the waves crash away at the shore
Beating against the crag, Sand imparts bliss
Yet for one undying thought, or many more
He stands defiant of the tide, stringing up his harp
To make sense of a madder world, to be its Poe
These are the things he clings to, signs of life
For what not is writing, but a way to breathe
Understanding of the iterations, joy from the sea
So undaunted he charters on, perhaps a while
If into another storm, so be it, he's stronger
Hope begs to be courted, yet demands nothing
And without the tragedy of  falling down faithless
No story ever truly rises into the evening wind
A man's greatest adversary,  and also his kin
The space between the Cerebrum and Aorta
Where the Spirit dwells, from which all emanates