Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Wonder Wonders

There is wishing, then more waiting
Wondering, before all out doubting
Anticipation has reached its peak
Peeking behind Christmas Orbs
Or Crystal Balls, whichever ditch works
Humor is spread on a cynical toast
As Jelly, On a bearded traveler's lips
Trust amongst children is give and take
Give them something tangible, Do
something before they riot loudly
Their breath comes to quake
A flailing generation amongst the mad
Even patient gentle lads rage so
Not against lights, but versus boundaries
Those who chase forever defy age
Any and all which lies suffer their case
To dream is their infinite spectacle
That their love story transcends time, Oceans
Understand ebbs and flows more accurate
Than a fool who waits on beaches
But fooling only resonates in hope lost
Found like cookies on a plate, Laid aside
Because not everything is a lie, No
Not all incidental truths are make believe
A baby in a manger back at the brink of time
Love for a forgotten world before morn
Every breath you ever blew counted, Bought
And still you search your stocking for gifts
Hoping your invisible voice becomes clearer
Yeah, much like that, candy canes and bows
Men who won't deny their flawed humanity
Chasing sleigh bells or a ghost late
Telling any who will listen, strangers too
That love is like a diamond, rough or otherwise
Lover's eyes, for all sanity became jaded
And a fool on Christmas is a fool in any light

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Skies Only Fall in Movies


But I know darkness

Rasping as I choke


Of things I once knew

When ships shored


Melodies ended

On a dirty Sunday


Yeah, I remember well

Champagne dreams, brunch


I bought the world

Not just its problems see


Markers in a box

A place to count loss


Bent, Broken and Found

But I know a trick


Spelling my way back

The end isn’t in pen


A thousand tomorrows

To pick from in jest


Mine is kept in belief

Nothing so permanent


Cannot weather or destroy

Counting days in step


Music to sleep by

Or Write when I’m verbose


Neither tire nor wander

Far from where they start


In what I cannot see

But tripping over my thoughts


A grander state of dead

Forgetting to dream awake


The lost long for home

As if they knew it once


Everything ever known

A six second clip of sound


Can never be a lie

It lives one step ahead


Spaces between our thoughts

Moments that slip away