Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lamp Post(Free Verse)

There's a lamp post sitting silently by the road
I remember it there if ever it crosses my mind
To guess, the time is early dusk or twilit morning
These are the memories of my soul before pain
Later I found out donuts were being made inside
Pastries of all sizes, I imagine the smell of sugary air
The evaluation of this dream, Be it as a memory
It puts to focus my days and nights, my struggles
Every bad wave, is one you chose to ride, As I
Have always ridden my own, Save once I danced
In fires, Because I believed in the Great Question
What if, and why doesn't every dream end in bliss
Naivete gave way to desire, I chased hearts, or
Other things that started with the letter H, However
I played it wrongly, as was often my course, I ran
People don't often stop to think what makes them
Happy anyway, They just chase something from a
Book, And they say you gave up your self respect
But I give fortune to all mysteries upon the road
Whether for seasons or days, I remember fondly
If there were a fifth dimension, it would be feelings
Which as far as I know cannot kill you, though they try
People often lie when asked what makes them move
But I like paintings where the color, Its out of the lines
And though I cannot explain it, I am moved mostly
By what I fail to comprehend, Ordinary is a dull word
People who live in glass houses, That is their respite
But give me passion, The things that will burn you
Will also make you feel the most of what life brings
Tears, Joy, Love, Pain, Epochs of a complete journey
If nothing takes your breath away, Then it does not live
Itself, but rather it operates as an orchestrated clone
I think I will sail all the seas and eat sandwiches at dusk
For why not am I here, but to enjoy these peculiarities
The Great Mystery perhaps, but I think the road is lost
Because people, search for what makes sense instead
Intrigue, the last dying art, Unfinished painting in the last
Gallery, Because Art is dead, Or dying, Who will ever
Bring it a cure, Remind its younger self about lamp posts
That or, Whatever other fond memory started pulse
If you're searching, then stop, For the chances are great
That your query will be unfound, Instead dive into the ocean
Let whatever it is you've been looking for, Find You

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