Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Many Miles

The man had been walking many miles through many suns, many moons, when abruptly he stopped.  He looked down at his dust covered boots, then turned and looked back at the path behind in the distance. He realized wearily that he had forgotten how long he had been walking or where he came from.  This life had brought him through many trials, many deaths, and yet he was still here. He realizes now that he was made to continue his path, but a new idea surfaced. Where is it from which he came? What made him who he was, and who was he to become. The path of the dreamer had been arduous and long until now, and he was quite sure it was to get longer. His weary feet and dust beaten brow showed the spoils of his path. He began his journey long ago as a small child trying to become a man. Somewhere along the way he became a man, if only lost. The man he became betrayed the child yet he never lost sight of those lucid dreams. He walks his path in search of those endless joys yet to come. The Man in the Clouds had spoke of them, so it must be so. Taking in a deep dusty breath, he continued his path onward, in search of what was to be.  The path crept into yonder sunset as the dreamer whistled a tune........

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