Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Perpetual Light and the Elusiveness of All Things

It began with darkness and the absence of sound
No knowledge of how I wound up in such a sorted place
If there were warnings, I must have raced past them years earlier
I awoke to it, Its absence of light became my kindred spirit
I thrived there, and broken dreams were my muse
Yet in that place that knew no sounds, A boy cried out
Fear and pain lived in his pupils, he had yet to cede his dreams
Two voices in one head complicated so many things
One playing roulette with the devil, bent on ending it all
The other fighting to escape the dying dreams locked inside a hurting soul
Yet the light returned in those final days, briefly before the end
Really it had never left you see, for its glow is perpetual among other things
One cannot see its luminescence when clouded in endless shadows
Just as one cannot expect to see the Sun in the dead of night
Yet its existence is proven to mortal man, if only he would believe it so
Looking forward with the wonder of an endless child
For The Almighty God has seen to it so
The sunlight of my spirit warms my green eyes for the world to see
Life is quite a different matter today, Not as elusive as it used to be

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