Sunday, February 6, 2011

Waking Up Refreshed and the Reality of It All

Stirring in the pre-morning dew are crickets ending their incessant singing
Time has come for them to burrow once more as daybreak awaits
Lying in the field where he communed with his Lord, is the Dreamer
Still and quiet upon the grass where he gave up his will in search for something more
Opening of his eyes reveals a freshness to their brown-green glow, a spark unseen since childhood
To recapture his innocence, he will surely not accomplish, For unknowing does not exist
The importance of what he has learned and felt throughout this life will bide for his eternity
Reality creeps upon him, and he is sure of his place once more
False expectations nearly cost him everything, Giving endlessly of his heart cost him more
His God ransomed his foolishness, called him for home once yet this past day
For the Man in the Clouds is seemingly all-knowing, the Dreamer wonders how he does it so
Promises from the Dreamer were flowing in the wind, Surely he would be true to his word
Loving his God above all things, For the material desires had wrecked his glad heart
Broken stride had he for those he loved, Gave a piece of his soul, without thought to himself
Unselfish as it seemed, Self was full about in the desire to break his lone existence
For the Dreamer once wanted more than he could have, Eclipsed his soul at such a price
To give it all up now in search of the Way, Oh what a transformation did he see
The air entered his lungs with such sweet release, the sun began its rise once more
He had admitted defeat, completely upon his knees, for he knew no longer how to live
Yet he was given much more than all his wanting, when he was freed from his liar's chains
Not taken though were his lover's heart, nor his dreamer's spirit
Not taken were any of the things that made him Dream, He was simply shown another how
To Dream on in search of his heart's purest desires, To make the Man proud
He was still on a path of sorts, just not his own tired, broken road, but one filled with hope
That he bring faith to those who would have it, and be an friend indeed
To finish what he started all those years ago, When he promised himself to succeed
To higher mountains, To brighter rainbows, and those that he would meet there
To share himself with those of kindred spirit, and those that would hurt him no more
He walked the path of a new man that day, though not a pious and arrogant one
He was still the same soft and gentle man, For those things could not be taken with time
The dreamer lives in all of those worlds, yet knows his endless place in this one

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