Friday, February 4, 2011

The Truth about Falling and Other Things

Whispers dance upon the hollow trees of the wood he passes
Nymphs and Tree folk gathered around in the moonlight
Much is spoken about a love greater than in all his dreams
One that doesn't run cold in the chill of night, but grows
Masquerading as such, many have came to pass by his heart
For he knows they are but false, the whispers tell him so
The Nymphs assure him he has not yet fallen, only he has thought so
When the bitterness of a thousand winters cannot break bonds
When every moment is like hearing the angels sigh
When the songs of two hearts create life's Greatest Symphony
Then will it have come to pass, the Greatest he has ever known

The Man in the Clouds has made it so, His blood, sweat, and tears gave us everything
This life rich with idle bliss, To just take a moment and be still
Life is more than the spinning of wheels, and all this shall pass before forever
Yet he had to learn to love himself, lest he always fall prey to those who hurt him
He remembered who he was not long ago, found his heart beating in the dead of snow
Picked it up quickly and brushed it off, Self worth comes from within, no matter anything
Falling is similar to flying, both involve faith above all things, belief in something more
This life is rich in each moment, let them not be wasted mourning false pride
The nymphs have a song they sing about falling, It echoes through a lover's heart
Without a doubt you will know when she comes, for someone like her has never been here before
Rest content in the moonlight endless dreamer, all dreams are yet in sight.......ED

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